What is one of the most significant heart, brain, and muscle system supplements? Of course, it's CoQ-10. Now the question is, why is CoQ-10 so beneficial? The explanation is found within the electron transport chain. This cycle is in charge of all aerobic ATP generation. What exactly is ATP? Aden...

Heartburn may be an unpleasant and uncomfortable experience, and many people seek treatment through numerous methods. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is one unconventional yet effective treatment that is gaining traction. Contrary to popular perception, supplying the stomach with the proper pH in the for...

The greatest gift and the heaviest curse ever granted to man was free will. This concept is the foundation of Christianity and the distinction between important life issues such as capitalism vs socialism. The notion that you have control over your life and can pick where you want to go and what ...

I see a lot of professional athletes, and they're all obviously very accomplished at what they do. The question is how they became a professional. Yes, they are all naturally talented to some extent, but the actual answer is practice. They worked on every aspect of their game from the start. They...

People are frequently perplexed by how I manage the majority of people's care. I've been advised that a patient does not wish to take any medical medications during their treatment. This is frequently functional, and we can make it work; nonetheless, I would caution against taking an all-in or al...

When we look at American health issues and then at how we live, it's easy to see the relationship. We are stressed out about a wide range of difficulties, some of which are real and others of which are not. We don't always have or prepare the best cuisine. Not everyone has the time to exercise or...

Someone came in a couple of days ago, and they were fatigued, irritable, a little snappy, and felt lousy. They couldn't figure it out and thought they were sick or coming down with something. They didn't perform poorly when tested. We discussed this for a while after testing because their results...

Season 4: Ep 2, Maaxx West, 2023 Miss WBFF Bikini World Champion Maaxx West is a dynamic content creator, influencer, and now the 2023 WBFF Bikini World Champion. In this podcast episode, we talk about Maaxx’s insights to success. Overcoming being teased about how she talked was j...

Most men do not consider prostate health until they learn that someone they know has prostate cancer, but they should. There is an old adage that if a guy lives long enough, he will develop prostate cancer. However, there are many things we can do to prevent prostate problems in the long run. One...

When it comes to testosterone replacement, one of the most crucial things to keep an eye on is your DHT, or dihydrotestosterone levels. DHT causes hair loss in both men and women, and it is also extremely damaging to the prostate in men only. I haven't noticed many other places discussing or even...

This year's flu has been particularly severe and annoying. Normally, the flu treatment kills out the illness in a few of days 2-3, but this bug is proving to be a bit more difficult. What we're seeing is that it starts with indigestion, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, and severe congestion, and c...

This is a major topic, so I'm going to record a podcast about it, but I wanted to mention something crucial about detoxes: detox reactions. So, exactly what is a detox reaction? When your body begins to clean itself up, the flow of waste out of the cells and tissues of the body overwhelms the det...